Dear Members,

Many of you have questions following today’s announcement regarding cancelling live classes effective Monday, March 16.

  • You are not being mandated to move your courses to an online platform. You are being asked to advise your Chair your views on how best to conclude the particular courses you are teaching. Since each course is unique, there will be different solutions for each situation.
  • Chairs should reach out to CAS Members to assist them to figure out how they would like to manage their courses. While Contract Academic Staff have Academic Freedom with respect to their courses it important that they are not responsible to do a lot of extra work as a result of the Employer’s decision to cancel live classes. Chairs who need more information regarding how to assist CAS and concerning appropriate expectations in the circumstances, should consult with their respective Deans.
  • For those Departments interviewing job candidates, you should consult with your respective Deans regarding whether or not candidates will still be expected to attend on campus for interviews; or, if Skype or deferring the interviews would be the preferred alternative.
  • CAS Members’ contracts will not be terminated as a result of cancelling live classes.

UWFA is in regular contact with the Employer as the situation evolves. Please contact us should you have questions or concerns.