
2021-22 UWFA Council Meeting Dates

All meetings are from 1230-120. Fall Wednesday, Sept. 29 Friday, Oct. 29 Friday, Nov. 19 Wednesday, Dec. 8 Winter Wednesday, Jan. 19 Friday, Feb. 18 Friday, Mar. 18 Wednesday, Apr. 6 Spring Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, Jun. 15...

Letter to OCADU President from UWFA President Dr. Peter Miller

31 May 2021

Ana Serrano, President and Vice-Chancellor
Office of the President, OCAD University
100 McCaul St., Toronto, ON, M5T 1W1

Dear President Serrano,
I am writing to you today as President of the University of Winnipeg Faculty Association to urge you to reinstate the four librarians who were laid off at OCADU as part of library restructuring.

UWFA Council Election Results

Congratulations to our new and re-elected UWFA Council Members: President: Peter Miller (Classics)Communications Officer: Lisa Sinclair (Psychology)Collegiate Representative: Osaed KhanContract Academic Staff Representative: James Scoles (English)Instructor...

UWFA Spring General Meeting

The UWFA Spring General Meeting will be on 21 April at 12.00 p.m. Zoom info and meeting materials will be distributed to the Membership closer to the date.

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